Ships' Figure
Heads in Australia

Publication date
0 9751289 0 6
$25.00 rrp
Gordon de L. Marshall
126 pages
Dimensions 210 x 300 mm (A4)
Tangee Publications
September 2003
Maritime history/Aust heritage

"Ships figure heads are perhaps the most romantic survivals from the days of sail, yet in Australia we have surprisingly few for a nation with such a rich maritime heritage.”
- Gordon de L. Marshall

Ships’ Figure Heads in Australia is a long overdue guide to
Australian figure heads and figure heads in general. In full
colour, it is a complete account of all known Australian figure heads, including those in private hands. The book also details much information about the actual making of figure heads on Australian soil, from the earliest surviving records until the last recorded figure head was made in 1904. 

Seemingly the first time any attempt has been made to study Australian figure heads, Gordon de L. Marshall’s book breaks new ground and concludes with a colourful look at modern figure heads.



Gordon de L. Marshall’s success as a maritime author began with the publication of his previous book, Maritime Albany Remembered, his thesis which was discovered and later published. Gordon has spent his life dedicated to marine archaeology and resides in Adelaide, South Australia.

The Author

Gordon de L. Marshall

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